2018 Field Study Sites
Organization | Field study location | Website |
Puente de la Costa Sur | Pescadero, CA | https://mypuente.org/ |
Homeless Garden Project | Santa Cruz, CA | https://homelessgardenproject.org/ |
Pie Ranch | Pescadero, CA | https://www.pieranch.org/ |
Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center | Santa Cruz, CA | http://www.wafwc.org/ |
Homeless Persons Health Project | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.santacruzhealth.org/HSAHome/HSADivisions/ClinicServices/HomelessPersonsHealthProject.aspx |
Pacific Pride Foundation | Santa Barbara and Santa Maria, CA | https://pacificpridefoundation.org/ |
Queer Youth Task Force: Safe Schools Project | Santa Cruz, CA | https://qytf.org/ |
Transgender Law Center | Oakland, CA | https://transgenderlawcenter.org/ |
Mental Health Action Network | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.mentalhealthaction.network/ |
The City Repair Project | Portland, OR | https://cityrepair.org/ |
Coleman Advocates | San Francisco, CA | https://colemanadvocates.org/ |
Mosaic Project | Oakland, CA | https://mosaicproject.org/ |
Cultivamos Excelencia & San Jose College Career/Transfer Center Partnership | San Jose, CA | https://hsi.ucsc.edu/hsi-grants/cultivamos-excelencia2022.html |
California Latinas for Reproductive Justice | Los Angeles, CA | https://californialatinas.org/ |
Live Oak Cradle to Career | Santa Cruz, CA | https://c2cscc.org/ |
Santa Cruz City Schools | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.sccs.net/ |
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.sacnas.org/ |
Pajaro Valley Unified School District Migrant Education Program | Watsonville, CA | https://www.pvusd.net/migrantedregion11 |
Fund for the Public Interest | Santa Cruz, CA | https://fundforthepublicinterest.org/ |
Encompass Community Services - Santa Cruz Residential Recovery | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.encompasscs.org/santa_cruz_residential_recovery |
Central Coast Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) | Ventura, CA | https://causenow.org/ |
Arise High School |
Oakland, CA | https://arisehighschool.org/ |
Stop Gun Violence | Beverly, MA | https://www.stophandgunviolence.org/ |
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program | Boston, MA | https://www.bhchp.org/ |
Clinica Monseñor Romero |
Los Angeles, CA | https://clinicaromero.com/ |
Somos Mayfair | San Jose, CA | https://www.somosmayfair.org/ |
City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Service | Long Beach, CA | https://www.longbeach.gov/health/ |
Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.santacruzmah.org/ |
Kaiser Permanente | Oakland, CA | https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/northern-california/facilities/oakland-medical-center-100344 |
Los Angeles Tenants Union | Los Angeles, CA | https://latenantsunion.org/en/ |
The Sylvia Rivera Law Project | New York, New York | https://srlp.org/ |
Human Care Alliance | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.humancarealliance.org/ |
Santa Cruz Movement for Housing Justice | Santa Cruz, CA | https://www.santacruz4realsolutions.com/ |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | Minneapolis, Minnesota | https://www.iatp.org/ |
The Catalyst Project | San Francisco, CA | https://collectiveliberation.org/ |
Pie Ranch | Pescadero, CA | https://www.pieranch.org/ |
South Bay Community Services | Chula Vista, CA | https://sbcssandiego.org/ |
Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE) | Los Angeles, CA | https://www.saje.net/ |
Clinic by the Bay | San Francisco, CA | https://www.clinicbythebay.org/ |
Resource Center for Nonviolence | Santa Cruz, CA | https://rcnv.org/ |
Community in Resistance for Ecological and Cultural Empowerment (CRECE) | Santa Ana, CA | https://communityresilience.uci.edu/crece-community-resistance/ |
Homeless Prenatal Program | San Francisco, CA | https://homelessprenatal.org/ |
826 Valencia | San Francisco, CA | https://826valencia.org/ |
ACCESS Women's Health Justice | Oakland, CA | https://accessrj.org/ |
Smart Solutions to Homelessness | Santa Cruz, CA | https://housingmatterssc.org/smart-solutions-to-homelessness/ |
Tokyo Migrant Desk | Tokyo, Japan | https://migrantstokyo.wordpress.com/ |
Critical Resistance | Oakland, CA | https://criticalresistance.org/ |
St. James Infirmary | San Francisco, CA | https://www.stjamesinfirmary.org/ |
Ada's Cafe | Palo Alto, CA | https://www.adascafe.org/ |
Casa del Migrante | Tijuana, Baja California MX | https://casadelmigrantetijuana.com/en/ |
Agriculture and Land-Based training Association (ALBA) | Salinas, CA | https://albafarmers.org/ |
Public Law Center | Santa Ana, CA | https://www.publiclawcenter.org/ |
Digital Nest | Watsonville, CA | https://digitalnest.org/ |