I am forever grateful to the Community Studies program. Work [at RYSE in Richmond, CA] has been amazing! I had a busy first week and have not stopped since day one. I am so lucky to be a part of a staff that supports my whole being, work and vision for the space I now hold with our youth. It is always nice to see my mentee Ada at work, she is loved in the space.
In the past month I have been able to build up my network of organizers; I met with youth from Arizona, Tohoku, Japan, and all around the Bay Area. It's been fulfilling, to work beside organizers all over the world. I recently attended a training in Oakland where I connected with two organizers that are working with Chinese Progressive Alliance (CPA), and Coleman Advocates, where two of this year's CMMU students are currently working!
Yesterday I attended a Health Care is Our Right Rally in San Francisco and was filled with joy when I saw my mentees CJ, Hannah Lee, and Brandon Ros. I was re-energized by seeing them take the streets beside youth and communities they work with. I have been in contact with a lot of them, and will be supporting their work in the months to come. I am currently working on planning a Youth Exchange at RYSE, so that all of our organizations can come together and continue to share testimonies and build up our power. So excited to see this come to fruition!
Hope all is well. I will definitely stay in touch.
Letter from the Field
Diana Returns to RYSE!
August 02, 2017