CMMU Faculty

Leslie A Lopez
  • Title
    • Lecturer, PhD Anthropology
    • Director, Corre la Voz
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Oakes College
    • Community Studies Program
  • Affiliations Latin American & Latino Studies, Education Department, Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Office Location
    • Oakes 218
  • Mail Stop Oakes College
  • Mailing Address
    • 1156 High Street
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064
  • Courses Oakes Core: Communicating Diversity for a Just Society; CMMU 10: Intro to Community Activism; Oakes 151: Community Literacies (Seminar & Field Study, Corre la Voz); Oakes Oral History Project; Latino/as in the News (Reporting and Media Analysis in Santa Cruz County); LALS 80D: Political Change in Mexico; Oakes 152: Transformative Literacies (Multi-modal communication and social change); Oakes 153: Community Mapping (Participatory asset mapping for problem-solving)
  • Advisees, Grad Students, Researchers , , ,